January 31, 2024
Joyce Mau
I am Joyce Mau, Head Pro Bono Coordinator of the Cambridge University Law Society for the 2023-2024 academic year. I am excited to share, on behalf of the department, that we will be continuing the running of the Pro Bono Publico and opening submissions for blog posts from members of CULS! We have been heartened to see so many members of CULS participate in our pro bono initiatives this year. We would love to provide more opportunities for students to share about their personal experiences and perspectives on pro bono work through the Pro Bono Publico. Submissions will be accepted on a rolling basis and should be emailed to: probono@culs.org.uk. We will be accepting submissions with a word count of around 1,000 to 2,000 words. If you are a Cambridge University student with thoughts to share about access to justice, or you’ve recently undertaken some interesting pro bono work that you’d like to share on this platform, we highly encourage you to get started on an entry to help populate our brand new blog!